
This game was built in ~10h. Apologies for any bugs or lack of polish.


Help the cars reach their respective flags by placing road tiles. Complete 12 rounds to finish the game.


  • Click to place tiles
  • Arrow keys / WASD: Move camera
  • E and Q: Zoom in and out
  • Space: Start round
  • R: Restart
  • M: Mute sounds


  • A round cannot be started until all cars have a clear path to their respective flags
  • Hover cursor over car to see its path
  • You score more points by placing fewer road tiles
  • You score bonus points for each extra flag a car passes
Published 29 days ago
Tags2D, Pixel Art


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Cool idea, though the ability to erase placed tiles before the round starts would be helpful. (RMB?)

Didn't realize cars could go backwards initially so my solutions were awful.

Yeah, erasing with right click was the next thing I would have added if I had more time. Thanks for the feedback!

Fun little game, I got 2070 points with 150 tiles at the end, maybe later I’ll try for a better score now that I read the description better.

I liked the audio sounds and the visuals, those 2 get together well, maybe a bit sad the game doesn’t have music but still fun without it. :) 

I think the only bug I saw while playing was the skid marks the car leaves and how at the start of the round, those marks draw its path to the start of the road when the car reset its position. But it isn't something annoying or that breaks the game.

I like the implementation of the topic, slowly building a road for each car while checking that they don’t crash. Nice game (^^)


Thank you very much! Wasn't sure if people would get it. But it seems like the basic idea works.